WATCH OVER 10,000 HAND-PICKED VIDEOS FROM 1860 TO 2011 Pick a year and watch specific categories including TV, Music, Advertisements, Trailers, Video Games, Sports, and more! Discover awesome videos and share them on Facebook + Twitter!
Roger Ebert: “You can get lost in here.”
Engadget: “Video Time Machine serves as a really great cross section of pop culture over the years. I’m definitely going to lose hours to this…”
Softpedia: “A magnificent $1 application” – “a one-of-a-kind approach for serving video to users of all ages” – “so intuitive and appealing that it simply cannot miss”
…from our users:
DWAYNE KELLY: “THIS is the real “killer app” on the iPhone 4. It does everything it says it does and at a very high level indeed.”
Jetranger8763: “This could be the best constructed app I’ve ever seen. Easy to use, funny, and most of all great material to share with friends.”
Pbirdsong12: “This by far is the best app I have come across. Awesome to come about all of these videos from past and present. Best .99 I have ever spent!”
• Universal App (iPhone, iPad, iTouch)
• Over 10,000 videos and growing
• Super-fast browsing, even on 3G connection
• Airplay enabled
• Easy social media sharing
2000′s = 1,521 videos
1990′s = 1,607 videos
1980′s = 1,874 videos
1970′s = 1,565 videos
1960′s = 1,848 videos
1950′s = 589 videos
1940′s = 256 videos
1930′s = 227 videos
1920′s = 196 videos
1910′s = 150 videos
1900′s = 140 videos
1860-1899 = 60 videos
We are adding more videos almost every day!!!

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