Hi I’m jAggy! Welcome to this App ^_^
Are you ready for a totally new experience?
Here is what people say about me:
“jAggy Race is a fun casual game, but it’s also an exciting and challenging game for competitive gamers who want to familiarize themselves with each track for better results” – TouchArcade
“.. it’s refreshing to see someone put a different spin on a tired genre, shunning tradition and, indeed, gravity.” – pocketgamer.co.uk
“Integration at Game Center includes 23 different charts, one for each circuit, more than 40 goals to win and the results of your friends to be put on display. This, in other words, is the secret of replayability to jAggy.” – iBiRDY.com
“I love it when an original game like this comes along. You’ll be ramping, jumping and flipping endlessly to your heart’s content. The quick action and achievements make thisgame a fun challenge you won’t soon tire of. I can definitely recommend it!” – AppAdvice.com
“Tolle Grafik, gelungenes Spielprinzip und eine präzise Steuerung ergänzt das Gesamtprojekt gut. Hier steht einer klaren Kaufempfehlung nichts im Weg. Wir geben hier gerne die Note A (1.4) und unseren Must-Have-Award.” – iReviewT.com
What’s New in version 1.0.5
- rotation option, now saves and loads it correctly
- in rare case turbo accelerator started even if not wanted
- bonus track colliders fits now the button
- SC4, gravity sensor corrected before checkpoint 2
- TPBonus, removed blade before checkpoint 1

jAggy Race IPA [iPhone/iPod/iPad Download]
Version 1.0.5
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