This is THE VERY FIRST non-Apple app that was ranked TOP PAID IPAD APP #1 in USA during iPad launch days. Later it was also ranked #1 in many other countries.
Quick summary: super-robust PDF reader with advanced reading, annotating, markup and highlighting capabilities, excellent file manager, TXT file reader and editor, audio/video player, Safari-like viewer for MS Office and iWorks files.
PDF Annotations, Markup & Highlighting is also our strength. Sticky notes, lines, arrows, freehand drawings on top of a PDF file – you name it. And the best part is that all annotations become a part of a PDF file itself – email it to your colleague, and she will see all your notes and drawings on a desktop computer, in a common PDF reading program
What’s new in Version 3.8.0
• PDF’s Freehand drawing mode now lets you change color, thickness and opacity while drawing
• redesigned PDF Page Slider (now it also includes Page Up and Down buttons)
• PDF password for a file is now memorized for as long as you keep a file on the file tab panel and don’t leave the app.
• files can now be starred and unstarred on the Find Files control panel
• better support for iPad 2 native video mirroring – now you simply have to plug the video cable into an iPad 2, and native video mirroring will be activated right away (the “old style” video output, the one without the menus, can still be activated by using the “Video Out” button on the main screen of the app)
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What’s new in Version 3.9.4
This update fixes the issue with startup crashes after updating from older versions.

GoodReader for iPad IPA Download
VERSION 3.14 | 2012-02-16
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