Pocket God Journey To Uranus is an interactive universe that you can explore, discover your godly powers, and play games. Feed the volcano god on Earth! Fight a war on Uranus! Ward off robots from another universe! Navigate the high-tech highways of Mercury! And more! Some games are inspired by your favorite classic video games.
Like Pocket God, the Journey to Uranus universe will keep expanding. More planets, interactions and games to come! What do you want to see added?
Check out http://pocketgod.blogspot.com for more information!
or join our twitter! http://www.twitter.com/pocketgod
And if you are one of the hold-outs, be sure to check out the original Pocket God on the app store, only 99cents. It now has the addicting Challenge of the Gods!
PGU Episode List:
Episode 1: Journey To Uranus
Episode 2: Electric Booga-loo.
Episode 3: Mercury Rising
Episode 4: Quantum Entanglement
More god powers on the planets, as well as space.
More games!
More aliens!
More robots!
What’s New in Version 1.04
The Graveyard Island has been added to the planet Earth! Drag the pygmy across the ocean to the right to find the new location. There lies a mysterious grave with strange markings on the tombstone. Tap the dirt to dig up the grave, drop a pygmy in, and tap the dirt again to bury the pygmy alive. The special power of the grave turns the Pygmy into a brain-eating Zombie! This sandbox function is based on the classic zombie function on Pocket God, but new and improved. Like Pocket God, the Zombies spread their infection, but now you can give uninfected pygmies an axe to defend themselves! The axe does a great job of dismembering Zombies, but doesn’t slow them down much! Drag zombies to different locations and experiment to see what you can do to them!

Pocket God: Journey To Uranus IPA [iPhone/iPod/iPad Download]
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