| | Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light |
The description:
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - More 2000 years ago forces of goods and a harm struggled for an artefact the Mirror of the Smoke, the possessing huge force, allowing to replace day and night or for ever to ship all world in a gloom. In the meantime, the fearless leader of Army of Light, Тотэк, having taken hold of great force of an artefact also has sent malicious spirit Ксанксольта from this world. Тотэк has buried itself with a mirror in the Temple of Light to protect an artefact from forces of a harm. But later 2000 Лара Крофт has gone to mountains of Central America on searches for a long time the lost Temple. Mercenaries having stolen an artefact have allowed Ксанксольту has returned to this world, for what have paid with the lives. Тотэк having accused Лару in an event, decides to cooperate with it to return the Mirror. If the artefact will not return to forces of Light, Ксанксольт uses authority of a mirror to ship the world in eternal darkness.
In new version 1.1:
Mistakes of a multiplayer and starts of single game-are corrected.
Language: English
Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later.
Turbobit Download link for"Lara Croft and the Guar. v1.1 iPhone Cracked"http://4c45200b.linkbucks.com
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