The description:
Spore ™ Creatures - From the date of the announcement сиквела to game Spore Origins has passed almost half-year, and here today EA Mobile have let out in App Store Spore Creatures.
Action of game occurs on a land, and game is logic continuation to Spore Origins.
- 20 levels in 4 worlds
- Two kinds of management: Акселеромтром or Тач a sreen.
- Choose the way of evolution attacking other creations or on the contrary, become with them "friends".
- Epic battle with bosses in case of success new unique opportunities will present your essence.
- Moving ahead on a ladder of evolution, solve various puzzles and cooperate with subjects on locations.
- Improve the opportunities: attack, protection, mobility, perception of an environment and even social skills.
- Open and collect various parts of a body for improvement of the hero
- Collect parts of DNA and receive unique opportunities, choose style of a gameplay and develop the hero in the direction necessary to you (a predator, травоядный and so on).
It is necessary to tell, that game is executed very qualitatively in all and carries away since the very first minutes. And if to consider success of the previous part, game should be taken not reflecting.
Language: English
Compatible with:iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 2.1.2 or later.
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