| | The Secret of Monkey Island |
The description:
Publishing house LucasArts (from EA) has presented the project with подзаголовокм Special Edition with updated графикой and the sounded dialogues. The original version of game The Secret of Monkey Island has appeared in 1990. Game represents a classical quest. In total by the present moment within the limits of series Monkey Island has left five high-grade projects.
Game begins that hitherto the unknown young man by name Гайбраш Трипвуд, wishing to become the pirate, appears on the Caribbean island. Three piracy leaders appoint to it three tasks - to find клад, to steal an idol from a private residence of the governor of island Elejn of the Gauze and to win the master of fencing. However as soon as Гайбраш the third task carries out, pirate-phantom LeChak abducts Элейн and takes away it on island of Monkeys. Гайбраш, by that moment involved in romantic communication with Элейн, types a command from three person, buys from the dealer second-hand ships Стэна the ship and sends on searches of mysterious island, in hope to rescue the governor. On island of Monkeys Гайбраш Herman Tufrot meets the cast-away eremite by name, and also finds out settlement of каннибалов-vegetarians which help it to find means against illusive command ЛеЧака.
Game already has had time to receive the whole heap of responses and 98 % from ниx 5/5 asterisks (German AppStore).
Language: English
Compatible with:iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later.
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