The description:
James Cameron's Avatar for iPhone - Be transferred to the colourful world James Kamerona's Avatar and follow the road of rescue and new opening on two ten years before the events occuring in film. You are a captain Rajan Lorentz. You should transfer the consciousness to an experimental hybrid of the person and На'ви, and to become the first аватаром. Whether you could imagine, than this your transformation will turn back? Whether you Will take advantage of the new force in the name of rescue На'ви or will be at the same time with people and will destroy this surprising world?
Open the original history occuring for two ten of years before events of film, and learn, how the first was created avatars. Follow the road of new opening, danger and adventures in this unimaginable world. You should conduct the intense struggle for a survival against wild animal and carnivorous plants. When fight will reach the apogee, you will soar up in sky Пандоры on банши in epic game in a genre kill all of them.
Language: English
Compatible with:iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 2.1.2 or later.
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