Assassins Creed - Jerusalem, 1191 of our era. The third Crusade against Сарацина destroys the Sacred ground. You - Altair, the murderer sent under the order of Award Ассассинов to steal "Bowl" from Тамплиеров and to finish crusades. The destiny of the Sacred ground depends on you! Plunge into atmosphere Assassins Creed ™. Open the world new to in the middle completely the three-dimensional world! Features: an Improbable variety of acrobatic receptions, 6 kinds of the weapon: a sword, a dagger, арбалет, the smoke bomb, a powder bomb and a fighting anchor, various миниигры will check up your patience and dexterity: steal, interrogate informers and many other things, three-dimensional subject stages with voices of real actors, upgrades of the character and the weapon for the collected crystals, ысокополигонная three-dimensional the schedule provides full immersing in the realistic medieval Near-Eastern environment.
What new?
It is updated for iPhone 4 and iOS 4
- Magnificent the schedule with the high resolution, showing advantage of the display iPhone 4
- Support многозадачности iOS 4
Language: English
Compatible with:iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.1.2 or later.
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